58: 2x^2 – 9x^2; 5 – 3x + y + 6

58: 2x^2 – 9x^2; 5 – 3x + y + 6 : Solution Equation with Graphical representation

Solving math problems like 58: 2x^2 – 9x^2; 5 – 3x + y + 6 can be tricky, but it’s an important skill to learn. In this article, we’ll go through the steps to solve this problem with Example and find the values of ‘x’ and ‘y’ that make it true. By the end, you’ll feel more confident in solving equations like this one.

Understand this math problems 58: 2x^2 – 9x^2; 5 – 3x + y + 6

Overall, the equation is telling us that we have two groups of x^2 minus nine groups of x^2, and then we add and subtract different numbers with x and y. The first part of the equation is “2x^2 – 9x^2.” This means we have two numbers (2 and 9) multiplied by x (which is a special letter that represents a number) raised to the power of 2. It’s like saying we have two groups of x^2.

The second part of the equation is “5 – 3x + y + 6.” This means we have different numbers (5, 3, and 6) added together with x (another special letter that represents a number) and y (another special letter that represents a different number).

Remember, equations are like puzzles with numbers and letters, and we use them to solve problems and find answers!

To help a child understand the equation, we can break it down into smaller parts.

Before we find the answer, let’s look closely at the equation: 58 divided by 2 times x squared minus 9 times x squared, plus 5 minus 3 times x plus y plus 6. This equation has three different parts: 2 times x squared, -9 times x squared, and 5 minus 3 times x plus y plus 6. Our main goal is to figure out what values of ‘x’ and ‘y’ make this equation true.

Combining like terms means putting together numbers or variables that are the same.

For example, if you have 3 apples and 2 more apples, you can combine them to get 5 apples.

To make the math problem easier, we put together the parts that look the same. In this problem, we have two parts with x^2, which are 2x^2 and -9x^2. When we put them together, we get -7x^2. The problem now looks like this: 58: -7x^2; 5 – 3x + y + 6.

Isolating ‘x’

Isolating ‘x’ means figuring out what ‘x’ is all by itself. It’s like separating ‘x’ from the other numbers or letters in an equation so we can know exactly what ‘x’ equals.

To find the value of ‘x,’ we need to put all the numbers with ‘x’ on one side of the equation and all the other numbers on the other side.

There is a big math problem with some letters and numbers. One side of the problem is -7 times a number squared. The other side is 58 minus the numbers 5 and 6 added together, plus another letter called y.

Separating the letter ‘y’ from the other letters.

To find out what ‘y’ is, we have to separate it from everything else in the equation and put it on its own side.

To find the value of y, we need to subtract 5 and 6 from 58, then subtract 7 times x squared from that result.

Solve with Quadratic Formula

The quadratic formula is like a special tool that helps us solve math problems. It helps us find the answers for equations that have x squared in them. It’s like a secret code that tells us how to figure out the values of x.

The quadratic formula is a special formula that helps us find the answers to equations that have a number squared in them. It tells us how to solve for the variable ‘x’ in equations like this: ax^2 + bx + c = 0.

x = (-b ± √(b^2 – 4ac)) / 2a

In our math problem, we have three numbers: -7, 0, and a number that we don’t know called y. We’re going to use these numbers to solve another problem. We use a special formula called the quadratic formula. When we put these numbers into the formula, we can figure out the answer.

You have a math problem where you find the value of x. It involves adding, subtracting, and multiplying numbers.

Correct or finding the right answers.

After finding the numbers for ‘x’, we need to check if they are correct by putting them back into the problem. This helps us make sure that we solved the problem correctly.

58: 2x^2 – 9x^2; 5 – 3x + y + 6 Graphical Representation

A graphical representation is a picture or drawing that shows information in a visual way.

Another way to find the answers is by drawing a picture on a graph. We can see where the line crosses the horizontal line to figure out the solutions for ‘x.’ This picture also helps us understand how the equation works.

The end or final decision or result.

Solving equations is an important skill that helps us in many areas of math and other subjects. In this article, we learned how to solve a specific equation using different methods. These methods involved isolating certain things in the equation and using a special formula. By learning these techniques, you can solve similar equations confidently and get the right answers.

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